A love story
A Love Story, if told correctly, will do nothing less than ruin your heart.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Downfall of the Day
I give in too easily. I'll take anyone back in my life if they liked me enough to miss me when they were out of it. I don't stick to my plan, I don't stick to my word. I'm too forgiving, and give far too many chances. I make stories and excuses for people who don't deserve them, and waste my time. It looks, and feels bad. No matter what people have said or done to me I will accept them back because of my life self-esteem. I have these high hopes that people will change and be different this time, they never are and it is a complete waste of time.
V: "You are difficult to be friends with.
It's not your personality, at all, you're just really different"
M: "I think of situations in a really weird way"
V: "Yeah"
Saturday, May 30, 2009
How do you know when you're 'in love'?
"You dread doing anything without them in your life."
-Frankie Thomas
"when you look into their eyes and hear the beatles"
"when you look into their eyes and hear the beatles"
-Denique Plummer
Friday, May 29, 2009
"so wtf
damnit mollie
you make me think
like too deep about myself
or seomthing
i ask to many questions
well it confues me
i feel like i deserve less
but if you think abotuit
i dont really have a whole lot of anthing..
i guess
but its like being in limbo for life
i feel like your mine in a way
but i can never have you
like winning an emmy
you get to holdit on stage breifely
then they strip you from it
and tell you you might get it in the mail one day
yeah but its like
a ghost relationship
and i dont want that
i wanna hold you
and cuddle
and like talk to you in person
and like be around you"
"i miss you like WHOA mollies
on the really real
i tihnk about you liek
all day
every day
i miss youso bad
i wihs i could like
be with you everyday
and never miss a day
i would"
"i feel like werwe growing apart
and now
it like
we wer never growing together in the first place
so its a falling out
kind of
and idont want that
cau sei love you mollie
do u know what i mena?
yeah, but its like, i'm just doing what youre doing. nothing else
make it complicated"
"you like
kind of
led me to belive all these things
that enver happened
youra heartbreaker mollie
and i love it
dont think to much about it"
hang out more
cause i really reall yreally relaly erlallaelraelrelarelralrelarlaelalylyelalyelaralylerlaylealrlaylealer realy really REALLY like you"
"it just seemed like you made a n effort for everyone in the world but me
i think from my (and other peoples) you could have tryed harder to do more
you just kind of like
fall into order of wahts happening
and like ah dunno like
ok well im not gunna get into it
then but w.e
you dont waht you have to do
figure it all out
then ill be here
just doing whatever im doing
itll all work out"
"ill show you a bad time"
"ok then mollie
whatever then
i guess well never figure it out
well i'll tell you anything you would like to know
id like to know why you were so fuckin mean to me
ive never seriously been mean to you on purpose
i love you liek
you could never even imagine
and you like
broke my heart"
"i rember you saying forget me
wheres that
i never told you i dont wanna talk to you again
yes you did
well what about the
forgetting about you part
i know
maybe it was myspace
i know you told me
some fucked up shit
oh and all the things you said werent
you hurt my feelings too you know
i told you
im sorry
you were beig so mean
i was like crying all day
im moving to the bay
but not anytime soon
ok well
not like i wouldnt drive from wherever i was at
to meet you and hang out
you should know these things

well i love you and i always will mollies
your ma-mollies
most of my fave tiems
are of just beign with you"
i loves you
more than any other girl ive ever met
for seriously
no matter what happens
i just want you to know that
i would drop evrything for you
if you wanted
keep that in mind"
"if you could ask me anything ever. or tell me anything. or everything. or just something. what would it be?
i love you with all my heart"
"when pareents out of tonw
we can >?
wear are shoes on the carpet"
im goignthere
i rally wanna c u
wll ill cal lyou int eh morning"
"ok your like the sweetest girl ever
io tihnk your like
the softest
"i guess
i cant get over like
how much i love you
everything you say i just wanna say
i lvoe you
as my reply"
"im gunna cal you
liek as soon as i wake up in th moring
like first secon my eyes open"
"it sok
your over it
im over nothgin ever
no one cares"
"your the only gurl whos ever like really mentally chewed me up and
spit me out
liek seriously"
"i wihs i could do it all over again
and watch every hand gesture i make
in order for it all to work out"
"i woudl do anything for it all back
hangign out
at all
pictures together
holding hands
sitting aroudn doing nothing at al
just as long as were together
ive always had feeling for you
and every song ive ever listened to
seemed liek
it was written for us
and just everything
i know i probably fucked up
somewher alogn the line"
"all io know
is that il always love you mollies
and thats the just of waht i want to relay to you
in this conversation
if i can acomplish nothing else
i just want you to know
i love you"
"i rmembver that
night in the forest
i aske dyou out
and i was drunk
and thne
somone said something dumb
about askign you when im sober
so i got mad
and broke that bottle
and got into a fight
with myself
i remember too
that pissed me off
cause its no places for somone else to say something reguarding a
situation that no one understands is mainly why i was so upset
about it all
but i was serious
about dating you
i dont joke around about shit like that
i dont EVER ask girls out
and whne i do im VERY serious
evne if it seems like im joking
thats on problem i have
everyone always thinks im kiddign
im VERY serious
about everything"
"i miss you
in everyway

i felt like out of every girl ive ever met
you were the martest
or had the capacity to understnad me
or seomthing
the most open
to things i wanted to show you
and thats most important for me"
your young
you dotn really know what your doing
but im yougn to
i dotn know waht im doing
no one really know swhat theyre doing"
"your cool
i love your sence of humor
and style and
your pretty and
like wahtever
but i know how you are"
"so when i scrath my nails down someon else back i hope you fee it"
"we never talk like
something serious happenede or soemtihng
it slike intense for me
cause i feel like ive destroyed the only good influence in my life

i quit smoking
and i quit drinking all for you
cause you were a GOOD influence in my life
and i need that
but i cant
you like hat eme
i tihnk your freinds have something ot do with it
your to much of a conformist"
"i must admit the usual
love confession of the month
ill skip the bullsit"
"i dunno if imgunna like
waste my time in trying to do tis again
and like hurt myself
cause its not like your the only one who gets hurt"
"i only need to be your freind
i just want any sort of relationship with you

what would be ideal for you though?
yeah, just so i know. i'm sick of guessing..
i would probably make moderately sweet love to you for a couple hours
and call you everyday"
"hah yes
your hands ar amazing
and lke perfect
you could model watches"
"ah dunno everytime it seems like
im doing somethign wrong to offend or hurt you
and that never what i wanted
your the only girl ive not attained in a sence you know
your the only obstacle i never overcame
you know
im the kind of get what i want person
and you proved me wrong

in my whooe like world
its shocking
in a way
your like
just amazing
in everyway"
"i feel like your one step ahead of me at all times
and therer nothing i can do about it"
"you dont love me like i love you
i would date you in a minute
and love you
"ill never stop loving you
i only wanna be with you as crazy as it might sound
your like my girl in a way
the one who can tame me
the only one who has"
"think about me befor bed"
"i fall asleep to you
and wake up to you"
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