Thursday, January 28, 2016

Broken Egg

you open all the drawers in an unfamiliar house
offered to make eggs, given no utensils
sloppily, you mean well
the kind of person who cleans up their messes
the kind of person who makes breakfast

you drink water while I drink coffee and water
you wait to start eating until I do
I found it endearing somehow that you made yourself two tortillas, on the open flame
you ask about sex and I do not respond
you ride your bike home just a few blocks
and I stare at myself in the mirror for a very long time 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

all those things you laid to rest
were only half after all
from shallow graves they crawl
makes you wonder if you called 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Untitled 01

once i see that my 25oz mineral water contains salt, it tastes like ocean water and i am ill
i spent an hour on your website last night and almost filled out the form section, to tell you i am still in love with you
also to tell you that i know you are still in love with me, too, because you screenshot my snapchat
i stayed up late talking to a peripheral friend on tumblr, recommending him netflix movies while he is on vicodin
he said he started the one that i told him was my favorite, then sent another message saying it "made you feel lonely"
i wanted to correct him, and say made HIM feel lonely, but did not respond
all the flowers at work are dying and i put my coffee that i drank from back in the pot
i hope my coworkers do not drink from it, but don't really care if they do

i got my nails done for twelve dollars this weekend
as cliche as it may sound, glitter reminds me that life can be okay
and i can be happy again
he lays on my floor, and i ask him what we are going to do
we both decide to sleep instead
in four days i might see you and the sound of your voice will feel like
the sun on my face after a very long rain

Sunday, January 17, 2016