Monday, July 4, 2016

Far Bruised

I take my paxil, and plan b shortly after.
depression and sex, not worth their side effects, but nonetheless, two things that I've been told on numerous occasions are part of life.

he doesn't like when I touch his hair, but I do it anyway.
he says he hates the asymmetry of his face.
he smells like smoke and I smell like toothpaste.
we do not taste the same.
until we do.
we kiss for hours, and when I fall asleep all I can do is hope he does too.
he cries at the movie on saturday, I cry at the movie on sunday.
he tells me that he likes my outsides, and my insides, but not in a gross way.
he has had two honda civics in a row and so have I.

when we wake up he tells me he had dreams of working, sometimes I also have dreams about him working.

the beginning and the end spiral into one and this is every relationship we ever had and did not have.

there are blood bruises on my neck.

but we were far bruised before this.

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