Saturday, September 7, 2019

Fever Sleep: you were in my dream last night

I had a dream that your mom wasn’t scared any more
she didn’t need my help

I had a dream that you were dressed in white like an angel and were  no longer disappointed in me

I had a dream that I was in a movie about a man who faked his own death to get out of a marriage he hated being in, then showed up 20 years later on her doorstep to get her back

I had a dream I saw you were crying, so I held you with one arm but had to keep working so delegated tasks with the other

I had a dream that I had a crush on you, and it was great, but then your longtime boyfriend showed up and I was reminded of him, to which I passive aggressively called you a serial monogamist

I had a dream that all jobs were being replaced by machines, but they were powered by our wisdom teeth, and once they were pulled out we became the tooth. I was a gay male tooth for some reason, and enjoyed my first and last blow job before I was turned into a working gay man tooth. I’m about to be put into the machine to finalize the whole thing and decide in a split second I’d rather be pulverized. I jump off and into the whirring blade, and am turned into a fine white dust that floats from the big machine down to everyone below. Some seem to think it is snowing, and some seem to know the truth. I am now bodiless but watching the scene. Trump is standing in the corner, and I see him stick his tongue out and tilt his head back to taste the dust, Melania is by his side, but appears disinterested.

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