Friday, February 25, 2011

Late Text Message

just had weird epiphany like I thought of you. so I'm watching Moon and I forget if you've seen it but there's this one part where he finds like a different version of himself in space. and neither of them know which is a clone and like which is an original and so he like isn't sure what to say to the guy and he's like trying to find words and is like so how are you doing..? and the other sam says "how am I doing?" in this mocking tone like not offended but like scoffing like it's soo below the level of where the two people stand but there's too much to say at once so not enough and he's just like sad sortof cause the second sam said that so his feelings are hurt and they say nothing because he never answers him about it. also, later the second sam says to the first, "where do you get off, sitting there sulking like a little boy! wake up!" just too far in and too complex to possible
resolve or fix anything.

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