Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I said I've been cold for... I pause to visualize the time line, "a year, and a half". I explain that I've always wanted to live somewhere warm, somewhere where the heat is always on. I asked if you that is the sort of place you were living now. You told me that it was, and I was not sure what I was hoping to hear.

2/26/14 edit:

You suggested that you were leaving, although I do not remember you actually voicing it. Almost immediately I went to the kitchen to pack you food for the road, we did not have that much, but I worked with what we had. When I decided that I was going to compile you a trail mix (uncertain that you would even eat something so bad for you, like I would), I started with the almonds, and by the time I got to the next ingredient I was already overwhelmed, I began to panic, because I could not recall whether it was that you liked raisins or craisins more. I stared at them both, back and forth, aware that I would never ask you, although you sat with Sam in just the next room. I wracked my brain, wanting more than anything for it to come back to me. I thought about putting one or the other, or both, but I wanted so badly for it to be perfect and for you to be happy. I never chose before waking up.

I understood this dream to mean that I make it very appealing for people to leave.

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