Friday, May 22, 2009

At Times

sometimes we do things that are so extraordinary, thing that are so out of the normal routine of life and so almost out-of-body that these events, with reason, are elevated greatly. these occurrences become so much near surreal memories that they are thought about the in the same manner as you would think about a dream, or attempt to recollect a childhood memory. sometimes these things are negative impacts on one's life, sometimes they are the best things to ever happen to someone; what stays constant however is the importance and magnitude of these events. from a sexual encounter to a car crash, these happenings will effect someone for years if not decades while remaining nearly false in one's head. this is "that would never happen to me" once it has already ran its course, no matter how short or how painless- it happened. this can apply to months at a time, but for the most part are those short-lived incidents that without them life would be "normal" and everything would fit one's "pattern" or "code".

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