Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I heard somewhere sometime this phrase, it automatically reminded me of you and since then I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. It was from a song actually and it described someone as “a walking compliment”. As soon as I heard it I realized how much it applied to you in that there is just something about you that not only attracts people to you, but also something more than that, where it’s almost important to be spending time with you. It’s an unspoken confidence that is received from you when someone is in your presence. But the most significant thing about it is that it’s completely unintentional and accidental on your part. And although I can’t describe it, I feel as though I really don’t need to after somebody says a “walking compliment”. Knowing you is a compliment, to say the least really. 

More noteworthy to me than the way that you carry yourself and the feelings you give off is the way you think about things. Not just the way, but also the depth and how you go about it all. It is hard to decipher what is well thought out, and what has rarely crossed your mind. And maybe I have spent more time than I should have trying to figure it all out, getting nowhere. Just yesterday I was certain that you thought you had me all figured out and knew what I was thinking, and knew why I do what I do. But today I am entirely thrown off thinking that you have no clue what I even really think about you. Maybe it’s the complexity that keeps me coming back, or rather just staying. 

It’s like you’ve been here for so much longer than everyone else and have seen and experienced so much more, and have grown from those events and come to such mature conclusions with all of that information you have stored. You’re exceptionally mysterious, but at the same time one of my all-time favorite things about you is that I know in the right time and place you would willingly open up and talk about absolutely anything with me; regarding my life, or your own. 

When I look at things in the big picture I see a lot of guys I adored and really truly liked, a lot, and I see how I didn’t get the chance I wanted to spend time and have them get to know me and vice versa like I’d hoped. I see with you how you in a way pretty much gave me a chance and took the time when really no one else did. You’ve taught me so much without even meaning to, and I feel like I’ve come to realize a lot. I’ve realized another one of my favorite things about you is this pleased smile you almost always have on your face, it seems like a lot of the time it’s for no reason until I’m trying to find the reason for myself. 

A while back I was having an off-day and was also really disappointed with you at the time, my feelings were really hurt, but I remember looking at you even from a far, and we locked eyes or something similar and you saw that I saw you, and this small smile came over your mouth just at each corner. The smile was nothing special or out of the ordinary, but I always feel like it’s so genuine and refreshing, and I found myself with a big smile on my face that made me feel as stupid as it did happy. And although all these things are completely insignificant, they add up to me and all mean something once they are put together. I feel like you live your life in a way that is in intertwined with and incorporating others, but at the same exact time it’s very disconnected and exclusive which is not only really admirable but also extremely difficult I think. 

Although you may not be book-smart and school-driven I see so much wisdom as well as smarts every single day I spend with you and I truly hope you see it too. You’re such a talented person as well as artist and I look forward so much to watching you develop and grow up even more than I have already seen. 

As soon as I realized it, I have respected you ever since I realized how you honestly liked me as a friend, for not only just being ‘a friend’, but more importantly the friend that I am. I don’t know what you consider to be mistakes but I know that there are things in your past that maybe you would change, or things you think changed you, and each and every one of those things to me in your life was vital to make you the wonderful person you are today, and helped shaped such a dimensional and fascinating person I enjoy so much to know.  It’s so difficult to find someone who is equally beautiful inside and out and I want so much for people to come to realize and cherish it because you are so many of those rare things that people look for in a friend. 

I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone who has always looked so good in every single way, and every time I see them without fail. I know you have your days you feel down on something, or maybe times you think you don’t look as good as you’d like but I will always disagree no matter what. You never seem to falter to me and always carry yourself on a daily basis in such a way that anybody should be envious. 

I’ve lost you in my life once and during that time you really showed me some issues that needed addressing with myself, and although it of course wasn’t what I wanted I thank you for that and for showing me what I have and how my life can be without you. You’ve always stuck by me, and rather than getting tired of you like I thought would be so possible in such circumstances, I rather grow fonder and to value you more with every day. 

You said the other day how you would like me in the ‘rest of your life’. It made me think a lot and though it seems like a challenging commitment when someone actually thinks about it, I can’t imagine the past without you in it and nor would I like to picture of the future. Your humor and authentically natural silliness light up every day for me, and I find myself trying to not smile or laugh so often around you it’s nearly ridiculous. So to conclude, I love you as much as I hope to never take you for granite or seem careless again. Love always, Mollie

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