Friday, September 4, 2015

A Fun Time

then one day i decided to be happy
i ate massive ice cream cones
with funny flavors like horchata
and a goofy grin on my carefree face
it no longer crossed my mind that my teeth were moving
it no longer moved me that my wires were crossed
i drove around town with my knees
we slept in underwear, we left the house every day
i would pick up my phone, just to call people at random
it was okay to stay out as late as i had to
the beer was never good but it seemed like fun at the time
the radio was loud and i knew all the songs
i didn't feel guilty for not listening to good, real stuff
i slept on couches, in cars, and took an airplane to waterfalls
i didn't write poetry or cry at night

i skipped breakfast and was still late to work
on the weekends i did whatever i wanted and felt fine about it
even when it was nothing
we never thought too long or hard about one thing
i spent money any time or place that i could
when there was music on i could dance
i put my legs on his when he talked with his voice
the dishes were in the sink for so many days
i made jokes with my boss and texted him whenever
there was always pizza and i almost always ate it
glittery nail polish and henna tattoo tears and glasses
lipstick, and cocktails i don't know the name of, kiss a girl's mouth
i took my shoes and my socks off in the sand
talking to strangers seemed normal, and calling them if i needed to
dark eyeliner and ankle socks, and cuddling dogs, and i shared a tooth brush
then suddenly, you were there
32 months later

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