Sunday, October 6, 2013

Self-Made Anguish

"Powerlessness is something everyone experiences at some time or another, typically generating fear and causing a lot of stress. Consequently, your response to this greatly influences the outcome of the incident. As your natural fight or flight response is triggered, so too, you are subject to this response. When you feel most immobilized or paralyzed by your fears, you in turn doubt any chance for change, thus perpetuating the situation and uncomfortable feelings. Your fears disallow change when you concentrate on them. Sometimes the best way to empower yourself is to surrender to the situation. By surrendering, you allow the natural flow of events, rather than your overactive mind, to lead you. The more trapped you feel, the less you need to think. Remind yourself each day to let go of your worries. Stay present with what is and simply observe

9 of Swords
Self– made anguish. Nightmare card.
Negative thinking, feelings of guilt, fear, depression, and powerlessness cause one to brood rather than move forward.
Anger that leads to seclusion.
A sense of impending disaster which may be unfounded; the anxiety is far worse that the outcome.
Uncompassionate to the pain of another.
Too much thinking, which will either result in mental pain, illness, or insomnia. 

Hanged Man 
Letting go of mental control and seeing the situation differently. 
Sacrifice leads to success. 
Release the need to know. 
Do the opposite of what is expected."

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