Saturday, November 2, 2013


"A Lincoln, Simulacrum"
A fly-by-night musical instrument company produces a mechanical replica of Edwin M. Stanton. The design of a neurotic girl and a deteriorated engineer, it fails to impress the shady entrepreneur who commissioned it. Next, the factory builds a Lincoln simulacrum that proves to be more in touch with reality than many of its builders.
"The Above and Melting"
"Adjustment Team"
Ed Fletcher discovers a run in the fabric of events when his sector is de-energized and he is not inside it.
"The Alien Mind"
Dick's shortest story.
"All We Marsman"
The unions control Mars, the colonial world of speculation, and Arnie Kott the plumber is at the top of the heap. Arnie wants to use the time-warping abilities of Manfred, a schizophrenic child, to corner Martian real estate. Kott sets Jack Bolen the task of building a machine to communicate with Manfred. Instead, Manfred catches them up in a degenerating time-loop, fearing the vision of his own future. Only the telepathic Marians can communicate successfully with Manfred and aid him in escaping from a future that is gradually spreading back to obliterate the past.
"The Android and the Human"
PKD discusses the concept on convergence in mechanical and human awareness. He states the quality of unpredictability will always distinguish the human mind. In a look at the totalitarian state, he welcomes the prospect of civil disobedience. A strong anti-drug statement is also made here.
"Anthony Boucher"
The factories had been designs to supply human needs in a war-torn world. with the war over, the factories still supply everything automatically; a kind of utopia. Men, however, wish to resume control of their own means of production -- but the factories possess a mechanical vitality and some very human characteristics.
"Beyond Lies the Wub"
The captain wants to butcher and eat the wub because of a food shortage. The wub, who is intelligent, telepathic and affable, agrees.
"Beyond the Door"
An intelligent cuckoo-clock serves as the pivot for a love and hate triangle.
"Breakfast at Twilight"
The McLean's house is accidentally sucked forward through time to the middle of a nuclear war.
"The Builder"
In a decadent world suspiciously like our own, Elwood works under some unknown inspiration to build a boat.
"Cantata 140"
Frozen sleep seems like a humane way to end unemployment and over-population pressures; Send the excess citizens to the future. Government warehouses are filled with bibs and a political fight erupts over whether or not to dispose of them through a space-warp. Then an unknown agency begins to help the sleepers to awake.
"Captive Market"
Old Mrs. Berthelsen does some very profitable business by driving her truck into an alternate continuum. It continues to be profitable because she can pick up any time track she wishes.

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