Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Feel Sorry

sometimes you just have to feel sorry for yourself. misery swallows you up and its gotta swish you around a bit before it spits you out to dry. it was a long day, no coffee, a dollar short. work went well. but it's not fair that there are so many thousands and thousands of names out there, and that that has to be hers. i said it seems like some things HAVE to be meant to be, and then you left. today i could feel myself welling up, with my entire self and i choked it back, like those mean dogs on chains. everyone has then OWN lives, you have to remember that. and when i lifted my head up you said, "you're crying". but i knew that, and that table with the holes reminded me of being younger. i cried for math, nothing more, nothing less, just numbers, and i guess some letters, since i have been doing algebra since 7th grade (and to this day). i wanted to just be home, safe from the reality of learning things, but themollieshow must go on; i had photoshop class. "there is NOTHING i could do to make him have a good reason to be mad at me". i'm tired of sleeping alone, i'm tired of living alarm to alarm, actually i think i'm just tired.
"you killed me. i died, you can ask anyone." tick, tick, tick.

Antonyms: discouraged

adjDefinition: disheartened
Antonyms: encouraged, heartened, inspired

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