Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Procrasti Nation

Judy Baca
Everyone at one time or another has put off some task, goal, or important plan at work for any number of reasons. Perhaps you think time is too short or the task isn’t really that important. Either way, procrastination can lead to a stalled life and career.
Joyce Winfrey, of Time Management Incorporated, has some very good advice that will help you begin to move forward. She says that you should ask yourself two very basic questions about why you are procrastinating:
1. Am I procrastinating because the task at hand is not really what I want?
2. Is there a valid reason for my procrastination?
After you have asked yourself these questions, Ms. Winfrey suggests that you do the following:
Look deep within yourself. If you are looking for excuses, then the process of asking these questions will be a waste of your time. However, if you answer these questions honestly, you might find answers that surprise you and that will help clarify your situation.
She also recommends several techniques that can help you get back on task.
Identifying and understanding the techniques that follow is the first step. Once you know what to do, you can begin to practice these steps daily.
Take Baby Steps. Don’t make any task bigger than it really is by looking at the whole thing at once. Break it down into baby steps that are manageable.
Don’t Strive for Perfectionism. If you are waiting for the perfect solution or the perfect opportunity, you will be immobilized. Accept the fact that no one and nothing is perfect. Then accept your mistakes and move on.
Enjoy the Task. Enjoy the task at hand and find something in it that is positive and rewarding. Confront your fears with a plan of action.
Remind yourself of all these techniques daily. Post them by your telephone, by your desk, or in your car. You will find that your personal life and career will gain momentum, and success will soon be yours.

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