Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Jillian. I've been trying to figure out whut to text you.. "there are no words" would be a cliche understatement. or probably overstatment I mean. I thought about going and lurking your house like erin but am in bed. I have epiphanies every day and they blow my mind and change how I think about sooo many different things and it's crazy. then the way I act knowing all these things does not change one bit and nothing is altered by it. I worked three hours tonight and had to do busy stuff at the end of my shift just to stay til eight to get the full three. I'm in love with austin and chris and amara broke up and everything is changing but not me because I live through these trivial relationships. I wish I lived alone. and I hope life has been accomplishing for you this week. I go to the doctor friday I guess. and wishful thinking but I'm hoping I don't lose my mind before then. I crave
solitude but then get too thoughtful and sad when I'm alone. I can entertainment myself but maybe too well. I feel hope for the future though and change is coming this month. I'm going to go pretend to be asleep. here come people it sounds like. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Precarious on the fine line of nothing to say and too much to say
