Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Girl

"Oh yeah, Pantalons Flambés, they call it. I’ve got a lot of memories and stories attached to that song. Here’s the story: my best friend for a really long time was a girl, and some people have this belief that in reality guys and girls can’t be friends, because there’s always going to be something, y’know, sexual in the way of it. But I don’t believe that theory. This girl was my best friend. And then I heard from one person to the next, a three-degrees-of-separation kind of thing, that really throughout all those years she felt that secretly I was in love with her, and she felt sorry for me. What the hell? That just undermines a lot of things that were super important to me, because I thought she was my best friend.
That was a real crushing thing. And also around the same time, there were a couple of other really weird things that were happening with people who were close to me that just kind of blew my mind. “I thought I knew who you were! But knowing what I know now, I feel like I never did at all. You were always close to me, and you were a stranger the whole time.” So the song kind of became generally about that. There are lines here and there, this line refers to that friend, and this one refers to that one."

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