Friday, August 2, 2013

Passive Agressive Tactics

"Aquarius – Empress (7 of Swords)

Growth is contingent upon your ability to endure the dualities of life. What brings security will eventually turn to complacency, freedom will become responsibility, passion will dissipate into indifference, and happiness will be replaced by gloom. If you allow yourself to be ping-ponged between these extremes, you will remain at the mercy of your ever-changing moods. Be like a gardener and tend to the messages yielded by these moods. When you feel gloomy, don’t avoid it, engage it and find out what it means. When your patience is tested, you must nurture your inner strength by confronting internal and external conflicts with openness.

7 of Swords

  • Leap of Commitment
  • Inner doubt and indecisiveness cause the refusal to confront certain perceptions.
  • Shrinking away from conflict. Passive aggressive tactics.
  • Creating a plan of action using evasive tactics.  Good time to use brain instead of brawn. May be in danger of being taken advantage of, or you might be the one using underhanded techniques.
  • Craftiness or cunning ability to get what is needed."

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