Friday, August 9, 2013

Ulterior Motives

Scott and I are on what I call 'not-speaking terms', but in actuality, is me being angry and upset that he lied to me about something, to the point where we keep it at hi and goodbye. But here is why he drives me crazy. I get home from work, and begin unpacking my groceries. He is in his room, and I pray that he stays there as I am in the kitchen, knowing that he won't. He is a smart person, he knows exactly what terms we are on when we are on them (and covertly, he is aware of why we are, also). He does give me a couple minutes though, calculated not to bombard me, and make me immediately snappy. He then strolls into the kitchen, almost as if he did not know that anyone else was home, saying something like, "Oh hey, Molls". So, this is how he will weasel his way from me not speaking with him, literally telling people that I am going to be as mean to him as I possibly can, in hopes that he will then finally be forced to look for a new place to live. I say hi back, and he is staring down my lack of eye contact. He fills his water or something, but I am not looking, not talking. Intentionally, he begins with telling me that his car got broken into last night, he tells me that they stole his entire stereo console. Now I may feel betrayed and scorn, but I am still human, and as cooly as I can I tell him I'm sorry that it happened, and it totally sucks there is nothing he can do. Then he tells me his story of seeing Lacey, although I did inform him that Sam had already told it to me, I say very little, but again, of course I do respond to something as ridiculous. Next, he knows that I saw the enormous pie in the fridge, and says to me that he wants me to share it with him. I say thanks, I don't want to, but will likely end up doing so anyway. After that, he shares his stories of his weekend, without a doubt purposefully mentioning the friends that I would want to hear of, stating that he had such a fun night with Alex, recollecting it for me in full, and Sky called him, just to drive around with him and talk. I know, it is all a trap, but I remain as placid as I can, telling him that I miss those people a lot. He does slip in a little detail of his lie, who knows if he knows I know, either way he would go about it the same, having lied, or having going to. I say "yeah" very drawn out, and he moves to the next subject (all the while he is telling me the non-truths from the porch). The next subject is that he forgot that he got me something, he walks to his room, and back into the kitchen holding shea butter soap from his work, which he makes me smell. I can only deny so many gifts, but they just keep coming nonetheless. I couldn't help but smile as he went to his bedroom to retrieve the present, I get one every time that he needs that sort of response. The predicability is beyond laughable, and keeps coming as well. Here is the bit where I have to play along, too. He asks if I have been watching Orange is the New Black. I curb my excitement, and overall over the top passion regarding the subject (in any situation), I say I've been watching my favorite episodes here and there. He says he hasn't watched it for a little while, suggests we watch it when he starts again soon. But this was this kicker, the best part of the entire fraudulent exchange, word for word, "Are there any good movies out? Anything you want to see?" I feel as though most people would dream of another person observing, paying attention and scrutinizing them so well; know them well enough to say and do precisely the correct thing. I say that there are, noticing how I went from cold statue to chatty and enthusiastic, it took a little bit, but it really is impressive. I ramble off some movie names, and a director I am certain he has never heard of before in his life, he replies that we should go. I said yeah, when Chris gets back I would like to. Ceasing to mention the topics that he does is more powerful and telling than all of the yammering he has be doing combined. He says that he works nine days in a row, and that it feels weird that he will be here an entire week, he says it seems to him that he is never here at all.

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