Sunday, October 19, 2014

Past Lives


  • Uncertainty. Confusion. Disorientation.
  • Feeling driven by uncontrollable influences.
  • Enhanced intuition and prophetic dreams.
  • Self- deception or unobtainable fantasies.
Aquarius – Moon (2 of Cups)

Have you ever really considered how much influence others have on your mood? Like the tides of the ocean are affected by the gravitational pull of the moon, people too produce their own gravitational pull. Relationships are little solar systems, rotating and relating to one another according to particular patterns. When something unpredictable occurs, the system is disrupted often spinning out of control. You’ll experience this kind of uncertainty this month in one of your relationships. Although the gravity of your emotions may pull you down into a dark and mysterious place, rather than resist the turbulence of dark space, be still and float through your own doubts. Don’t be alarmed if someone close to you is also going through dark space. Each person must find their own balance before they can support one another. Stay centered and don’t be swept away by others moods. Be good to yourself first.

2 of Cups

    • Beginning of relationship or a reconciliation of opposites.
    • A love affair, partnership, or encounter that provokes deep emotions.
    • Inner peace. Finding balance within a relationship.
    • The mirroring of your emotions through that of another.
    • Opening up to others through compassionate response. Feeling great affinity towards another.

    Have you discovered an unfamiliar yet beautiful new reality? Are you feeling disconnected to the values and traditions with which you were brought up? Is an alienation from the norm creeping into your life? Have you been talked into something that only last year you would have considered preposterous? Are you aimless in your goals and ambition? Has an artistically inspired streak of creativity suddenly appeared out of nowhere? All of these brooding outsider tendencies call forth The Moon card from the Tarot deck when you seek a reading to show you the way.
    In the middle of the night, the Moon appears low in the sky. It is full, rays of light emanating from it, and yet, there is a contemplative face in profile taking up almost half of one side. The landscape under the Moon has a dirt path in the center leading off into the hills. There is a dog and a wolf, one on either side of the path. In the foreground there is a body of water into which the path leads. A lobster crawls up out of the sea, its front claws touching the start of the path. On the far left and right of the card at the beginning of the darkened hills are matching stone obelisk watchtowers.
    Everything about this card presents two possibilities. We only see half of the surface of the Moon, and the profile of the face is only half of it. The towers match, but are on opposite sides of the card. Is the path leading to the lobster or is this crustacean merely starting the journey into wisdom … or oblivion. The dog and wolf represent our animal nature and the lobster is near the bottom of the evolutionary ladder, behind the dog and wolf, just beginning to understand that there is a path to higher consciousness. The watchtowers represent the mysteries of good and evil and how they may appear quite alike, and that we discover them as we grow walking down the path of consciousness. We grow into distinguishing good from evil. The Moon can inspire insight as easily as it signals the presence of great confusion.
    When drawn in the present position, you may be getting so many mixed signals from the outside world that your turning to a Tarot reading is a seeking of some clarity, some answer to all the confusion. The world around you may be different and the structures that have long comforted you are suddenly absent. The temptations of alcohol, drugs, meaningless pleasure seeking, gambling and other escapes from reality are all too real. The Moon represents falling out of touch with reality. However, it also represents a chance to better yourself by not believing in the false assumptions that we all agree to within societal norms. Instead of following the path that you are told will get you somewhere (the path that has at present left you lost), The Moon signals your opportunity to create your own structures; a life from your own imagination and design."

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