Sunday, December 4, 2011

Always Always Always

    "I wonder if you have the time to talk to me and see if I'm alright."

There are some things, no matter what you cannot fuck up
and I've found no greater solace and comfort in anything but that
you've taught me so much of what I've learned without even knowing the half
and you're never gone, and I'll never have to want you back
there are some people, no matter what they've been through
or maybe because of it they always come true
and I can always say exactly what I wish to say to you
not something I'm often comfortable to do
no often solace in honesty completely pure
and anything you wished or asked of me I'd be completely sure
I'll help you in any way I can
because you've helped me so sincerely though it wasn't part of your plan
when I needed you most
and one night it was pitch dark, you had a cigarette in hand
you used to tell me you appreciated I never voiced I wanted you to quit that bad
and you spoke, "Mollie, I know you have a lot of best friends..."
but that wasn't the end, you constantly made sure I felt rewarded
and if I did nothing last year I just hope you and ours I supported
I hold your secrets deep at heart, just like your lyrics and quotes
and how you always would lie in my bed or on my floor exactly when I needed you most
you never knew
your potential of what you could do
I know your down-trotted at times, always here and there
and know your sadness was always something I could hardly bare
but often the means by which we connected, being our feelings were always shared
I cherish every memory,
whether drunk in the kitchen or helping me climb down a mountain
you are one of the most dependable and pure people I will ever come across
always say what is on your mind, what was in your past, what's in your heart and you're never off
I'm finally and always me around you and it's just not the way I was guessing
you're perfect who you are and what you mean to me always, never what I was expecting
maybe I'll move, or had a friend faded or two
but I want you to know always you're with me, and as always this is truth
I felt it and meant it replying to everything, especially "Goodbye Mollie, I love you."

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