Thursday, December 15, 2011


I have put an extrodanary amount of symbolism and significance in this plant. I have seen it as something that is fragile and weak, something I need to take care of and tend to, due to previous neglect and abandonment. The plant, I thought, was forgotten not merely by its previous owner, but by my selfish self and I wanted to do everything I could to heal and love it. I moved it to a cooler place, prune its brown dying leaves and parts, I watered it meticulously. I spent a lot of time not only caring for this plant, but projecting so many ridiculous things onto it about myself and relationships. I remember one day that I even told myself that the pant was fine, and I was actually manicuring and tending to it down to nothing. I worried for this plants life, anticipating its untimely death, and praying for its revival and strength. There were many occasions I just stood there worrying for it, wishing I could do more, maybe give it more sun or move it outdoors, make it happier. I remember thinking if I couldn't fix and care take this plant it was proof of myself as a neglecting failure. No matter the struggle and effort, this plant remained wilted and withering, deep green in parts, but my concern grew for its blemishes. As time went on I wondered often if I should cut more of its dead parts off, does it need more maintenance or help. I suspected this plant was interchangeable for every friendship I'd ever had. You're truly yourself in every situation. Before I trimmed and tore more of its long leaves, my dad happened to bring it up, and take a look at it. I said I tried all I could, but it was dying, just inevitably dying, to which he responded that this plants grows naturally, just like that, just as it was. It was good that I watered it from time to time, but this plant in particular has yellowing and brownish tints just because its like that. He told me not to worry about it. And I suspecting my clipping and snipping, my dismay and sadness, all hindered this plant more than anything. This dread will kill it.

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