Sunday, April 1, 2012

Crisis Default

"The Five of Pentacles is a Tarot Card that appears when economic times get bad. It shows up when we are losing faith in a relationship, an institution or just in ourselves. It is a card that illustrates us lacking faith in tough times."

"Unfortunately, the speed bumps ahead may cause physical discomfort. Material limitations are likely to provoke feelings of powerlessness, but how you experience this fear will prove most important. Pay attention to your “crisis default.” Do you crumble to pieces, charge ahead, blame others, or run away when the going gets tough? As you explore this, you will notice new ways of dealing with challenges. The first step in reclaiming your power is to acknowledge how you contributed to the problem in the first place. When you confront your issues, you have more choices about how to manage them."

"When the Five of Pentacles appears in the present part of a Tarot card spread, this tells you that you are not looking at a great opportunity that is right in front of you. Often this card appears in the present when a generous and loving man is letting you know that he would love to have you in his life and you are ignoring him as you follow a loser bad boy on a dead end fling. This card urges you to have faith and to see something in your life that is right in front of you that can lead to a much happier situation than the one in which you are currently embroiled.
This is a warning from the Tarot deck not to lose faith. The future will challenge you if the Five of Pentacles is placed in your future position. But you can make solid choices now to be on the other side of that stained glass window."

"You are experiencing worry - concern about the external things involving communication, health, finances, creativity, work and relationships. Take time to review what is happening in your life and what you really want. You are allowing your heart to rule your thinking - your emotions are involved and you can not see just how good life can be. Challenges of deprivation, insecurity and exclusion allow you to experience the upset that occurs when every effort towards stability is denied and everything you want to hold on to is taken from you. They help you recognize the transitory nature of physical and material desires.
New opportunity awaits, new possibilities - a better way will now be presented. Recognize that strategic review, regrouping and realignment are all necessary steps of forward progress. Channel all your thoughts and energy into your spiritual development, for it is here you will find rest and relief. When your home, work or security is threatened - choose how to handle it. Work at your situation slowly and steadily, trying different things until you get a combination that holds together and despite the hardships, you will continue to progress towards your goal and your rewards will be as great as your belief in what you can achieve.
Here is the paradox of freedom and uncertainty, a multiplicity of choice at the physical/material level, in matters of health, work, transportation, finance - things that constitute hard reality. The dilemma: How to preserve order and discipline while moving forward? This card represents that movement but the activity in this phase is within a limited range, while there is pause for reparation, taking stock of your physical world before committing. Which among the good choices is yours? Here are things like: flexibility, versatility, patience, relaxation (no need for movement/action), curiosity, carefreeness, independence. But there is inherent restlessness in this stasis, a positive instability that will eventually necessitate change. This is a time for repairing the nets so that you will be ready when the fish come. The self is adjusting to an increased demand on the soul, to give priority to others as well as self, primarily family and friends. The ambivalence is seen in the fact that five derives from the combination of 2 and 3 (the duality of emotional/mental) or the combination of 1 and 4 (the duality of physical/spiritual).
Questions to Answer: What are your survival concerns? What changes are you having difficulty dealing with? What have you chosen to give up or do without? Why? What are you worried or anxious about? What conventions/traditions are you rebelling against? What inequalities or injustices are you trying to change?"

Poverty, helplessness, defeat, despair, low self-esteem, emotional problems, loneliness, troubled thoughts, financial security issues, anxiety, fear, desolation, self-sabotage, fear of success and failure, difficulties, low self-esteem, lack of faith.


The number 5 indicates that there is a focus on financial or personal difficulties.  You may experience problems at work that may cause concerns regarding your financial security. You may be spending too much time worrying about things that may never come to pass, wasting energy and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

The 5 of Pentacles tells of a temporary loss of income, therefore a decline in lifestyle and self-respect.  This may be on a financial level as well as emotional.  It indicates that while struggling to keep hold of what one has, one actually risks losing everything.
There is also a warning of the loss of faith in oneself and in life and this is often a greater loss than a financial one."

"experiencing hard times

running into material troubles
losing a job or income
feeling insecure
going through a period of hardship
lacking what you need
struggling to make ends meet"

"The Five of Pentacles relates to material lack, but it also has a spiritual component. From the stained glass window, we can guess that these two figures are outside of a church. Comfort is so close at hand, but they fail to see it. The church symbolizes our spirits which are perfect and whole in every way. We are meant to enjoy abundance in all areas of life, but sometimes we forget that this is our birthright. Whenever you experience hardship, know that it is only temporary. Look for the spiritual center that will take you in and give you shelter."

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