Monday, April 29, 2013

Positive Thoughts!

I am grateful that my brother has been doing well, and that he called to tell me that his practicing has been paying off in all that he has been doing. I am grateful that my mom's health has been taking care of, and my dad still has his house right now. I am grateful that Sam and I have been connecting lately, he's been opening up more in a not weird way, and that he wanted to get breakfast with just me yesterday, and that we did. I am grateful for Austin just being the very best, and somehow not loathing me at this point. I am grateful that Scott and I are in a place where I feel nothing, but we can still watch movies and make our soup. I am grateful that I see Chris, and Lizz, every single week, for what and how Lizz is doing, and all of the things I have been lucky enough to have Chris share with, and teach me. I am so grateful for my friends that I think of and miss every single day, Victoria, Jillian, Alex, Alexandra, Frankie, and all those whom I know think of me too, and I am thankful for that. My apartment, how comforting my room is, finally, the back deck, when people stay, Mike, for everything his done, like forcing me to let him take my tire. I am grateful for my job, how sweet and patient Jeff is, and his sense of humor I never pick up on. All that Seth does for me, to "keep us employed", and how I told him he looked like a baby today. The way Brent still asks me what's new though I never tell him, and how I catch him laughed and taking pictures of people. How Sputnik looks up and smiles at me no matter how often. [I look forward to be able to ask Seth about his tattoo, and Sputnik about his real name.] How Scott compliments me and seems to actually want me around now. I am grateful for Lance, for putting up with me, when I hear him cussing, and how he literally pats me on the back when I do something well. I am grateful for everything I am taking from work, and the purpose it seems to have given me, though most days I do absolutely nothing apart from shuffle papers and scroll through tutorials, 
I have without a doubt sought and found meaning in inferior things.

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