Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let's Hope It's In The Future


  • Uncertainty. Confusion. Disorientation.
  • Feeling driven by uncontrollable influences.
  • Enhanced intuition and prophetic dreams.
  • Self- deception or unobtainable fantasies."
  • "5 of Pentacles

    The Tower Tarot Card

    The Tower Tarot Card based on Rider-Waite
    Has a big change of plans occurred? Are you getting a Tarot reading because some unexpected event has completely changed your life? Has your world turned upside down? Was a steady part of your life recently destabilized in dramatic fashion? Is change happening too quickly for you to hold on to something? If so, the tower is influencing events and has appeared in your Tarot reading. This card is the Tarot's way of acknowledging that the rapid transformation occurring in your world is due to forces beyond your control. Be it a stirring of Mother Nature or the impact of someone else's economic decisions on your life, understand that these are circumstances with which you had little if any influence over.
    Centered amidst a black sky, lightning strikes a stone tower. Flames erupt from the top of the tower and from out of the building's windows. There are two men falling out of the tower. Both are falling headfirst, one diving forward, the other falling backwards, neither in control. The tower itself is on a craggy cliff and the men appear to be falling even further past the foundation of the building. Atop the edifice, a giant gold crown has been dislodged by the thunderbolt and is being lifted up and off the top of the tower. Billowing clouds of gray smoke are everywhere.
    Neither of the men in the illustration have done anything to cause the destruction and chaos in which they have become enveloped. All measures were taken to be isolated from war, pestilence and disease by building a remote tower. And yet calamity still struck. The men are in different positions to indicate that the effects of the radical change that is happening will not be equally distributed. Some will barely survive while others will thrive. Many Tarot decks illustrate one of these men as wearing a crown and the other man dressed in attire more likely to belong to a peasant. This is to illustrate that these sorts of sudden, intense events do not take one's wealth or status into account. The disruption of the crown atop the tower itself symbolizes that it is the end of an era. The crown is moved only when a new king is about to be crowned. One era ends, another era begins. The Tower card means that change all around you is more likely to be of the permanent kind. Any attachments to the past that you have will only hurt your fall when you land in the new way the world will be."

    "Unfortunately, the speed bumps ahead may cause physical discomfort. Material limitations are likely to provoke feelings of powerlessness, but how you experience this fear will prove most important. Pay attention to your “crisis default.” Do you crumble to pieces, charge ahead, blame others or run away when the going gets tough? As you explore this, you will notice new ways of dealing with challenges. The first step in reclaiming your power is to acknowledge how you contributed to the problem in the first place. When you confront your issues, you have more choices about how to manage them."

"The Judgment Tarot Card

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions

When you receive a Tarot reading, the cards are pulled from the deck and placed before you. The pattern of cards is divided into three areas of meaning: your past, your present and your future. Landing in one area can bring out select parts of a card's true meaning and will be subtly different from an appearance in a different area.
When Judgment appears in the past position, you made a big decision to go along with one way of thinking. This might have been in your youth or it might have been a few weeks ago. This card does not guarantee that you made the right decision. Your current foundation rests on having taken a particular path and the results of this decision may be the reason you are seeking a Tarot reading. Regardless, you may be defining who you are by the decision you made in the past to follow a certain calling. Now you are taking stock of where you are in your life in relation to where you want to be because of that big move.
In the present position, Judgment is reflecting your internal conflict about making a big decision. The finality of this choice is quite apparent to you, even if it seems small to others and is perhaps even dismissed by those close to you. The presence of this card can give you little guidance over your choice. While many Tarot cards have a sense of inevitability about them, the Judgment card in the present position is powerful in that your free will is on the line here. All this card represents is that the decision you are about to make is, in fact, an epic one.
An especially powerful placement of this card is the future position. When Judgment is here, the murkiness, guilt, burdens and misery are about to go. A coming incident will allow you to finally see the possibilities. It will be like you have been a ghoulish zombie in a graveyard of your own creation and the sudden blowing of a trumpet will pull you out of your stupor and give you a second lease on life with a definite sense of purpose and an obvious direction."

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