Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It Is 4:23am

there are not really words to describe what I think of lizz
but she still has this childish wonder that I love watching and being around, it's not something much have any longer and hers just radiates
there isn't a lot that I could verbalize
but I appreciate lizz because she asks questions and cares, and I don't need people to know me any more, but I want her to, and I like how she analysis things and that she does
I wouldn't know what to say if you asked me about lizz
except that I feel safe in a way i had forgotten, and she's just consistent in this faithful way 
I like lizz cause there's a lot going on, a lot of contributing factors, a depth that i think makes her only so much better
I don't know what to say or think about lizz
but she's seamlessly smart as well as wise, and other's are never that or like that, or anything close 
what is funny about lizz is I still see her as being cool and something experienced and cultivated, because she actually is, and how she doesn't see that I see that
what I like about lizz is her appreciation for people, half blase and cynical, and the rest unexpecting and genuine

I don't know how to word a thing about lizz
although I know I love her and love that I really mean it each time I say it, no matter the time, place, situation or how frequent, it's equally true if not moreso
what I like about lizz is that she doesn't make fun of me the same way others do, she doesn't seem to judge when choices are different from hers
I like that lizz remembers so many things, is good at cherishing and reflecting and comprehends the vitality of the past, good and bad in nature and sentiments
I'm not sure how to explain it
but what I like about lizz is when she laughs hard at something, and when we think things each other say are humorous maybe just on the basis that they were intended to be
what is nice about lizz is how close she is with her brother, and family and the regards she holds for each of them
it never sounds how I intended it to or hoped for, doesn't do it justice
but what makes me happy about lizz is when she's really excited to see someone when she does, and when she's happy to see me
what I like about lizz is the things that she likes and how it's for real reasons and is part of her in some sincere way
it's hard to explain here 
but what I like about lizz is every single time we talk together and what she has to say, or let's me get away with saying
what I like about lizz is how late she stays up, and how little she sleeps, and how she really seems to think about things, or maybe to think about everything
I don't want to say it how I am
but what I like about lizz is how she's exactly the type of person I want to spend my time with, and maybe that's a roundabout way of saying she is who I like spending time with and look forward to just the same
what I like about lizz is she doesn't take things too seriously, or what seems to be the right amount of serious
I'm not sure how to phrase any of it
but what I like about lizz is that she is worth so much more than she gets and what is, and doesn't know it, or seem to
I like how lizz says she wants to spend her life, I like lizz's ideas and I like that lizz doesn't like school, and can identify with so much of what I am saying to her
I don't know what I'm saying
but what I like about lizz is how, and how much she cares about things, and people, and although often it is unfavorable for her I think it's important
what I like about lizz is what she writes, and when sings
I don't like any of the words I am wanting to use
but what I like about lizz is her forthright independence
what I like about lizz is she's so variant from everyone else anywhere, and how people really like lizz

On the 31st, this will have been written three years ago. I found this tonight, and would like to follow it up with more current sentiments

I love Lizz. I love how she highlights sentences on the computer when she reads them. I love watching her put her lotion on. I love sleeping with Lizz, and waking up with Lizz. 

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