Saturday, July 5, 2014

Trying Not to Try to Make You Smile

A group of people were in this white room, it wasn't a party, looked more like a classroom. I saw you there, and we kept our distance, distracted by our own things and people. Your friend had broken her finger there somehow, I figured it was because she was drunk, stupid or both. She was complaining loudly about not wanting to deal with it, or it to be broken. I didn't care much, and was annoyed by her entirely, although aware she was in closest proximity to you. On my way out the door I walked by you both standing there, and she was still talking noisily to no one in particular about not knowing what to do, and not wanting to do it (I figured she did not want what it looked like cosmetically). You blantantly did not wish to help, not acknowledging her whatsoever. As I passed, I felt like I wanted to respond, give advice, as no one else was. My mom having recently broken her toe or finger, I said it needed to be wrapped for a long while, choosing to look at the swollen and contorted ligament, instead of you. You listened then. She did not like what I had told her, saying, "So it's going to be like this for a very long time to forever". I spoke, "No, a long time, or forever." You laughed then, I heard it, looked up, saw it. My mind began to work then as it used to, a mechanism with the sole purpose of deciphering your thoughts and reasons for your actions. I wasn't certain if you were amused by my response, or how upset it had made her. I was deliberating on all of this, when she ran off, and you began then to talk to me. I concluded that I could stay a few more minutes, and prayed you weren't my reason for everything.

To see your fingers in your dream symbolize physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication. 

To dream that your fingers are injured or have been chopped off denote your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation.

Ring Finger 
To dream of your ring finger represents success, popularity and creativity. It also has association with marriage, union, commitments and issues of the heart.


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