Thursday, January 8, 2015

Getting Great At Not Sending Texts

haha at you figuring there was more than one reason why we would remain friends forever. I can think of several, but will refrain from saying them now, in fear that you are convinced I am constantly attempting to compliment you, overcompensating for the guilt I am stricken with due to my behavior. you said that you believe that working on stuff is the most positive thing, which I found interesting. this would possibly mean being stagnant, or content would be the opposite of positive, sometimes i wish that I was attracted to those types of people, but I am not. I am attracted to real and complex and emotional and thoughtful and meaningful/magical people like I find you to be, and this is why I feel I must know it all. after dissecting the fierce sensation of shame/disappointment/scorn over something as trivial as not knowing that you saw a movie that you did, I found out that it was more accurately pertaining to you spending your time in a way that I did not know that you spent it. this results in me dwelling on all of the hours we spend navigating this earth, and time, and how we are not constantly participating in an open dialogue containing each and every thought and feeling about that which we are experiencing separately, or together. conclusively, love is a hopeless lie, communication is ineffectual and pathetic, and every time that I retroactively discover you went to the theaters I will know all is for nothing. no one knows me, and I know no one. while I am wasting yours and my time grappling at means of sharing, here are the reasons we will stay friends forever (yes) you will put up with anyone for as long as they like, BUT this is inspiring to me because I will always endeavor to make it worth it for you, secondly, although we hardly understand each other, we completely get each other's jokes, and I find importance and longevity in that, third I believe there is a power or at very least outside source encouraging our being close, I figured this when I thought about us living on the same street, and how I thought highly of you in high school. I apologize this seems gloomy, but it really isn't, and was produced to make you laugh in that way that I imagine I make you, like you see that I am trying, but are mostly just appreciative that you can't really relate

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