Saturday, October 8, 2011

You Seem Cheerful Tonight

I spoke, "It's so bittersweet having things go over your head." And I left on that note, not for who I said it to of course, but it was my note. I make everything a 'bigger picture' situation, and so I think of how I don't like goodbyes, I like slipping out the door subtly, I did. I pondered all night, about how if I could only explain and have it be received correctly. Tonight, I would say nothing but how when there is slight turbulence, a movement or sound on the supposed to be still plane in the placid sky, well, I am convinced we're going down. Like many others I have a knack for very few things apart from an extrodanary skill of being able to justify things for myself. situations, people, their thoughts, words, actions, I want it to make sense and so it does. I walked up my steps to the front door, not even shut, and knew so deep down inside of me that I had turned into my father, that I have. My mom said once that just because I don't see, feel, or believe there is a relationship there doesn't mean that it isn't there, for him. all of this is not to say that I am terribly melodramatic regarding all of this, everything, I do truly see everything I do as being quite farce, although it is my life, and it will be analyzed. I thought it natural to believe the airplane would plummet, I think it's natural. This is all about other things.

"Just because it's dark doesn't mean you have to whisper."

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