Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dear Diary

     "We are here. We are not, not here."

I woke up on the first, and after some box moving, was off to Oakland. The car ride did not go by quickly, but that was okay, I felt alone, independent, and I liked that. I got a little lost, but did not get too concerned, and when I arrived, Sam was ready to help move nearly everything. I looked at the place, it being ours, for the first time. I liked what Sam had chose to do with the living room, and loved the hardwood floors a lot. It feels good moving, because whether it not it is entirely true, it feels as though you've left your troubles behind. I as excited about the year as I was about setting up my bedroom, and began to almost immediately. Sam left to meet a friend from the neighborhood, Alyssa, soon-after, a part of me really felt as though I should have had dinner with them. But every small thing is proving to be a lesson, and I was not hungry, and wanted to stay home, although I was invited, and felt as though I "should go". I was pleased with my decision, and then Sarah texted me asking if she and Calvin could stop by. I like Calvin and Sarah so much, especially together, and really appreciated them coming over, even without me asking, even without Sam being there. We talked, and Sarah and I had tea, and Sam came back from Berkeley. It got later and they left, saying they would see us tomorrow which was really nice. Sam and I got along really well all day, probably because we were just so jovial anyway, but he was very helpful nonetheless. We actually talked a ton, and I was happy to feel like things weren't weird, I think he really was liberated like he said. It goes without saying that I definitely was. Sam said that it didn't feel strange to be there, using one of his usual similies. This time he said that it was like a tv show that you had been waiting for so long, that it isn't as eventful when it actually happens. Then he said it was like a movie that you had been waiting to see in theaters, but when you saw it the experience was pretty normal, then changed it to renting a movie after seeing it in theaters. He came in my room later, and ended up helping me from about 10pm-11pm on building my steel shelves, I was immensely grateful. He asked if I would be "weirded out" if he went to bed early, I said 11:30pm seemed late for him, and that people did not by any means need to adapt to my sleep schedule. I put my movies in books in order, put boxes away and such, then set up my tv and dvd player, then playstation to watch Melancholia. As depressing as the movie seems to be, I was elated that I got to watch something on my monitor, in my new bed and town, there were no blinds on my large window but I couldn't have cared less. 

I awoke on the second, and instinctually checked my phone for the time, wondering if I had slept through my alarm, again. It was great to see that it was a little after 9am, and not a little after 1pm. My room was the brightest that I had ever seen a room, my body was the sorest I could ever remember it being, and the house was the coldest a house seemed that a house could possibly be. Sam said that it was a definite low temperature for Oakland; it was in the mid thirties when he woke up. Sam had yogurt for breakfast, I guess while I was still sleeping, and I beelined to my coffee maker. Austin and I bought Philz coffee while we were in San Francisco together, and I hadn't opened it yet because I was enjoying some Hawaiian grounds I still had. I decided to do the Ether blend from Philz, and of course it was amazing and I felt immediately positive, despite the cold. Sam went and made keys, which was cool, and paid for them all too. Then a cute older guy in a suit was in the living room, and I didn't feel like such an early bird any longer. The guy's name was Ryan or something, and Sam intended to explore with him. The man was nice, and changed into street clothes which made me feel better, being as disheveled as ever. They left, and after cleaning as long as I could, I got ready to walk to Whole Foods, a mile or so away. I was about to step out the door when Calvin asked if I wanted to go shopping with him, and I had forgotten it was his day off. Calvin picked me up, and we spent the day at Ikea, then Whole Foods. Calvin is patient, and really easy to be around, I hope he was half as stoked to mosey around with me as I was with him. I bought almost nothing for the house, but got a few things, and predictably a ton more food. Calvin and I had lunch together at the house, Sam had left a note on the table that he was going skating. Mike never fixed the sink, blinds, bathroom, or cabinets, but Sam and I were just fine with whatever was. The boys planned to hang out, and Calvin was about to go pick Sarah up from work. I had to leave then for the Sacramento airport, and for so many reasons was sad to go, even for a night.

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