Monday, August 25, 2014

Beyond Illusion

"Aquarius – Judgment (Queen of Swords) 

 Honesty is paramount in your life. You seek the truth and the natural order of things. Your mind aims to penetrate illusions, to restore perfection and righteousness. While this is your gift, it is also your curse because not all truths are equal and life is not black and white. Frustrating as it may be, there are not always rational solutions. In fact, how can you solve a problem with the same logic that may have caused it? You are being prompted this month to move beyond binary logic and see the connections between you and your experiences. If you continue to judge things as happening to you, there is no accountability for your part in the experience. You are being given the opportunity for a grand awakening, an unveiling of how karma is acting upon your life. Take responsibility for your choices and notice how they have contributed to the current theme in your life. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, begin to see what’s right. Your mind is like a sword, be attentive to how you use it. Focus on your own issues rather than solving someone else’s."


Accountability for self.

Recognizing past mistakes.

Experiencing the effects of something you caused. 


Redemption through reflection.

Finding more purpose in life."

"Queen of Swords 

An independent person who is intelligent, rational and tends to be cool in a crisis. Experiences of sorrow lead to understanding the necessity of bearing pain silently and with courage. This allows for managing life’s difficulties. Upholding the truth at the expense of others’ feelings. Detachment from the emotions causes a feeling of frustration and isolation. Clinging to an ideal that is too perfect for anyone to fulfill, while protecting vulnerability. If the Queen stands for an event, there is a need to adopt strength during a difficult time by way of changing thoughts."

"The Queen of Swords Tarot Card

This card's illustration contains many metaphors for the engagement with the world that comes with wisdom. The viewer cannot see the person whom the queen is calling forth. What the queen sees, has seen and understands is vast beyond what those on the outside can comprehend. Nobody can know all of your experiences, and how you put them together to form a world-view speaks of your intellect and emotional maturity.

When the Queen of Swords lands in the past position, the foundation of your current situation is rooted in a choice you made that seemed wise at the time. This is not a card of impulse. Your thoughtful decisions from a time gone by got you on the path to where you are now. This card could represent a nurturing upbringing, and having taken advantage of the opportunities to give you a head start in life. If the card is speaking about the recent past, you can be reassured that a big decision you made was the best choice based on the information you had at the time.
In Tarot lore, it is believed that this card is actually an illustration of a vision of the past. The queen is pictured in profile precisely because we all rely on our specific versions of the past, ignoring inconvenient details and facts. She is looking at something you cannot see … that would be your future. Even though the future is not illustrated on the card, it is still part of it, and the same is true of the present … you looking at the queen in profile is the card's present. If this card is drawn in the past position, you complete the circle it is meant to illustrate. The card tells you that you made decisions based on what was to be had in the future and that if you seek guidance from the Tarot, relying on the wisdom you have accrued over time will be enough to get you to where you want to be.
In the present position, the Queen of Swords may indicate that a certain jaded state has overtaken your life. You may be seen as a bit of a drag as you offer unsolicited advice to friends and family. The Queen is weak in the present position, as her profile indicates a definite looking elsewhere instead of at the situation."

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