Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I will keep this brief (for me), because I'd like to get into the shower, 
and the days go by slow, but are still too short.
I guess it starts with me leaving my laptop at your house. I didn't forget it there, I just didn't know we were not going back, and so I snapped you its password that night because there isn't anything I wouldn't want you to see. I say that because that it not the case with most anyone I know... I can't think of anyone right now. Austin woke me up from a half-sleep last night and handed me my laptop that I asked him to bring from your house. I think the only reason I didn't go hang out last night (I have been really wanting to spend time with both you and Austin, together) is because I could not decipher if my reason for wanting to see you was that I wanted to see you six days in a row. (I did also promise myself earlier that day that I could not afford in any way eating out every single day.) I made it five, and watched Nymphomaniac alone in bed. I slept with both of my laptops, and just got home from work to finish the Total Relevance posting that I aimed to start last night. I didn't think you really used the laptop at all because you had company over, and maybe you've gotten used to using your phone lately. I opened Blogger (to begin uploading the pictures I had chosen this morning at 630), and you were signed in. To make sure you had not posted anything without my knowledge, I checked the last-updated date beneath your blog, it remained 2012. Above your blog, there was another that I did not recognize. I do not snoop, or pry, but thoughtlessly opened the blog that had an update in July 2013, with curiosity. It was a blog you had started for school with only two posts and a draft. I didn't think that I would feel guilty about reading about your class, and so I did. I am sitting still on the edge of the bed in the room, Austin was asleep in the living room because he works at six tonight for some reason. I read both posts thoroughly, and found myself not only expectedly fond of your writing, but interested in what it contained. I am not writing you this now to say anything that I have above mentioned. I knew already that you were both learning from school, and brilliant, in my eyes. But I soon was crying. This caught me off guard, as it was real crying; hands in my hair, tears, crying. I have not been able to cry in a while, and have been thinking about it quite a lot.
What I read made me think several things. I thought of the worlds inside one another that we do not know, I thought about how hard school was for you, and how I never stopped trying to understand the reasons for that. I thought of you getting an education, and growing from it, and how before things got bad, how in retrospect that things may have even been good. I believe life is inevitably simpler when you are doing the right thing. Lastly, I thought about how you are the type of person who should be, deserves to be in school. It is not my intention to make you out to be a "type of person", for anything, but with that said (even if everything you wrote was feigned/contrived) I have always concluded that the sort of person who ought to learn would be someone who absorbs it, retains it, applies it, whatever material it may be. I think you are so smart, and so awesome and swear on my life I believe you are capable of anything. It is unclear to me whether college is in your future, or ways in which you could potentially further your academic career. I am aware we differ vastly in our thinking/opinion on school, and people, and their lives, all of its importance. I do wish that someone cared enough to push me to succeed, and if not succeed, then continue nonetheless. That is not why I am telling you all of this. I without a doubt care, I care very much as you know, as do your parents, and your friends, and we care about your future as much as your well being (in all areas of life). I only hope that you do not sell yourself short as I so often see you do, and I know it sucks to hear, you may know everything, but I cannot say that you know your potential for greatness. I do also hope for one more thing. I hope that I find what inspires you, and keeps you happy, as well as involved. I worry a lot that we make our worlds smaller in order to assure that we can cope within them. I want the entire world to be your world. I want to bring you inspiration, as much as happiness.

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