Saturday, November 10, 2012


"Six of Swords - A difficult cycle is ending - allow it to phase out now - quietly pass through it by setting your sights on the future. Look at things the way they are - not the way you want them to be. Think with an open mind. Investigate all the possibilities. You are experiencing an unpleasant, frustrating situation - sever yourself from it and you will know peace of mind and harmony, like the sunshine after a storm. You are making great progress now. Recognize that everything is relative to one's viewpoint and communicate in a non-threatening way that will allow other people to consider new ideas, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes from perspectives that they have not yet considered.
You carry your troubles with you, have adapted to them and they no longer represent a heavy burden to you. Blessed with the gift of support in adversity - the ability to stick with someone when their luck has run out or help them through difficult times and transitions to new phases - you maintain a personal perspective and mental tranquillity during times of turmoil. You are willing to "cross the water" to see the other persons point of view and in resolving arguments you "lay all the swords on the table" in order to achieve clarity and unruffled communications. You now recognize that by staying calm, you waste neither energy nor opportunity.
The emotions at work on the Mental Plane - duty and obligation make service a more attractive as well as necessary adjunct to the ego's programs. With the expansive lessons of the 6's, you mind begins to know that the boundaries of self do not stop at the surface of your skin and your goals begin to take on the air of the extended self. Helping others, with mental generosity, is seen as the way of helping self as your personal goals become more and more integrated with those of others. Even independent thought has an inclusive element of the immediate other - of the thoughts of those most important to you. The necessity of balancing give and take mentally is dealt with. Responsibility is accepted willingly as you become as reliable to others as you were to yourself at the level of the 4's. Service as work/profession appears here. Here is the application of mind to longer, more complex tasks, many of which are worthwhile causes. Advancement and promotion of ideas is increasingly important as progress comes principally through mental effort. your heart is energizing and pushing your mind, supporting your projects. motivation is high as mental goals are raised. Mental obligations and duties present themselves as laboratories for you to learn in. Protective mind in a positive sense. Consideration, mental recognition.
Questions to Answer: What immediate problems are you attempting to solve? Where will you go to solve them? Where in your life right now is mental clarity important? How are you liberating your mind from clutter and false ideas so that you can think clearly? When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective - what do you see?"

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