Saturday, December 27, 2014


Green tea and clear nail polish together smell like almond, or sweet and bitter like some other kind of nut. I sit in bed and try to take a picture of a pigeon on my window sill, so to say "I keep making long eye contact with this bird", but it won't turn its head again, then flies away. I sit there for a minute, cold and disappointed for all of the people who will not receive such an important picture. Suddenly I jump and am startled by a loud bang on my window, I realized a bird flew very hard into my window. I thought, this would make a good poem. Yesterday I gave someone my parking spot at trader joe's because I am kind and thoughtful and her time seemed to me definitely worth more than mine. I gloated internally, then drove around very slowly for a while. It was the day after christmas so it was very busy, I found a space after not much time and thought it was a miracle. I sat there for a moment appreciating my luck when a woman with dark hair in a silver van pulls up close and  really angry and tells me the she was waiting for that spot. I said what? Then explain honestly that I didn't know, or see her, her face didn't change, so I said I could move and give her the spot back, half-shrugging with one arm. This infuriated her, so she rolled her eyes hard and drove off thinking about what a weak and pathetic person I had grown up to be. I didn't look around the store in case we would meet again, she would look in my basket and see how ahead of shopping I was than her because I unfairly stole her spot, I'd feel cripplingly guilty and she'd feel jipped. I wondered if she had her blinker on, I did when I forfeited my perfect spot to the girl without her's on. I check out and Andrew the teller asks to "see my ID for the eggs", stops scanning items and waits for my flirtatious smile response. I don't show my teeth and fake-rummage through my wallet for fifteen minutes. "Your birthday is coming up, got any plans?" I tell him that I don't, he asks a second time to be sure and I tell him that I still do not. I think about karma as I dodge around cars in the parking lot hoping to avoid the angry van mom with the thick accent and rolling eyes. "No justice no peace", I think to tweet. 

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