Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Aquarius – Hanged Man (8 of Wands)
A fresh perspective in a certain area of your life is emerging after an extended struggle or delay. Through this trial of inactivity, you may have realized that sometimes what you expect doesn’t come true, and other times, you simply need to step back enough to see the bigger picture. If you can apply this concept to all areas of your life, you’ll see that anything is possible. If you’re in need of a special dose of inspiration, you may want to go on a vacation; a change of scenery can open your eyes to the brilliance in your life and in yourself.

Hanged Man

  • Letting go of mental control and seeing the situation differently.
  • Sacrifice leads to success.
  • Release the need to know.
  • Do the opposite of what is expected.

8 of Wands

  • Decisive Action -Travel card.
  • Inundated with spontaneous ideas that may soon become reality.
  • High-energy period for initiating changes, especially from dead- lock situations.
  • Fast movement and rapid growth. The climax after  a period of delay or stagnation.  Confidence and renewed energy has been developed by surmounting past obstacles. Phases quickly coming to a finish; tie up loose ends.
  • Mental activity or thirst for knowledge.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card

Is he in danger? Did he put himself there? How did The Hanged Man get so tangled up? If you are receiving a Tarot reading, The Hanged Man card is a strong message from the universe that the option of surrendering is always open to you. It might, in fact, be the quickest way to a complete and total victory.
The Hanged Man has put himself in this position and there is no way he can win. And yet, that halo lets us know that he may be about to claim a sizable victory. He was not attacked, nor forced to be where he is, nothing is disheveled besides his hair hanging down due to simple gravity. With his hidden hands, he is not letting us see his manipulation of the situation. His bent leg indicates that he is getting quite comfortable being helpless.
A Tarot reading places cards into positions of the past, the present and the future. The Hanged Man in the past position underscores that your current situation began with a letting go, a retreat, a foregoing of pleasure or reward in order to not be controlled by simple temptations. You are where you are now because of a decision to leave things behind or let them all settle themselves.
Although the Tarot deck is hundreds, if not thousands of years old, The Hanged Man card is often drawn when condo association meetings are getting chaotic and disagreeable or when a cranky neighbor is threatening the peace and stability of those around them. The Hanged Man reminds us that the best victories are often battles avoided while an enemy destroys himself.

The Eight of Wands Tarot Card

Do things seem to be speeding up in your life? Is there a sense of urgency to the daily proceedings? Are you headed toward a long-sought conclusion? Is a settlement about to appear in a long-running dispute? Have you gotten closer to your goal in the past week than in the past year?

While some versions of this card may have a miniscule landscape across the bottom, the majority of them simply have an unimpeded sky blue background with eight wooden walking sticks, or wands, splayed about the card. This is the rare Tarot card with no people in it. There is no hint at anyone being there.
Were the wands tossed? Are they being dropped? Or are they flying on a breeze? The lack of a person in a card is rare, but the lack of even the presence of someone is an even more rare Tarot illustration. The only person associated with these wands is, in fact, you, the viewer of the card. Wands are the Tarot deck's symbol of creativity and you are looking at many creative possibilities all falling into place, just as you would like. This is a powerful omen; use it to advance your standing in the world.
The Eight of Wands in the present position is an exciting place. Look around – this is a golden opportunity of a time for you. Things are going your way. Sometimes we are so used to plodding through oppositions and setbacks that making strides and fulfilling goals creates an anxiety because the familiarity of failure is replaced by a strange success.

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