Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Battle For Control Will Be Won

Aquarius – Chariot (7 of Wands)
Your willpower will be tested this month. It’s imperative you gain control before reacting to any situation. Something you recently shared may not elicit the response you had hoped. Instead of arguing or running away, prove your strength by showing your determination. Stick to your convictions and remain composed; this shows integrity, no matter what happens. Victory lies more in the manner in which you conduct yourself than in the actual outcome. Keep in mind that behavior can communicate as much as language can – what are your actions saying and are they consistent with your words?
Are you in control? Did you just win big? Have you finally reached a new level of accomplishment? Are you being handed control of a big project? The Chariot is the Tarot card most associated with victory and control. When you see this card in a Tarot reading in times of struggle, understand that when Caesar conquered an opposing army, his victory parade made the years of struggle worth it. If you are not yet victorious, learn to appreciate your struggle, as the celebration you can have will be even more enjoyable with your challenges still fresh in your mind. 

The king here is in his moment of triumph. He has just arrived from a great victory and is paused to survey his ever-growing kingdom, The sphinxes which pull the chariot indicate a triumph over a foreign land, as Caesar benefitted form the conquest of Egypt. And yet the sphinxes themselves represent the unsolvable riddle. The black and white sphinxes mimic the black and white pillars of The High Priestess card, representing knowledge as a key to victory and conquest being predicated on solving the riddle first. The star on his crown is the star from Tarot Card #17, The Star, indicating he had great hope and inspiration in making his conquest.

Cards with the number 7 in them accompanying The Chariot in your reading add to the potency of this card. The Seven of Wands emphasizes the battle you are fighting and its importance in enjoying the fruits of your victory.

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