Sunday, September 15, 2013

If Love Should Be This Easy

It feels ridiculous writing it here, but I would like to say it so badly that I just will. I know that I could tell you, and I could tell you anything, but I also realize that people have more prominent things in their lives than their desire for my emotional tornado, so I've been keeping it to myself. I want to tell you what this means to me, and of course you are aware, and I know you feel it too, but the extent I guess. I want to see you every day, even for twenty two minutes, even less. It feels so good to be around you, sitting and talking to you is exciting, walking next to you makes me endlessly happy. I want to be there for you, and not only there for you, but in exactly the right way, the moment you need it, and sometimes even before you know you do. I almost always want you here, and I think about what you're doing. You thoughts are so attractive to me, and your undivided attention. You told me that sometimes when you're with people you wonder what it would be like if it were me instead, I wonder why more people can't be just like you (while I am with them). I said I wish you were watching everything that happens all day, you said you can tell when I want something to go unspoken, and when I would like another to be said. 

I do not suffer over you.
You stood there looking at me
and asked if love should be this easy.
I replied that we know how hard it shouldn't be.
I should have told you that I miss you
you are worth waking up for.

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