Friday, November 7, 2014

it doesn't feel good but it feels like something and it is collective but separate

what is a friday?
what does it mean?
probably something different to every different person in the world
turns out i have to work tomorrow anyway
this morning i drove to starbucks downtown and saw a street fair
it wasn't yet 7am and i thought
how cute, a street fair, and so early
the street fair was in front of starbucks and i couldn't go in
work feels like a pressure cooker sometimes
you pace around
wishing the presses would just print faster
so you could be a messenger
with good news
for once
my safeway salad at lunch tasted like working at the movie theater
i got off work and immediately called my boss
i sat in my car and he said i was overthinking things
which pissed me off
because i called so selflessly
then i remembered nothing is selfless
and everything is to make me less uncomfortable
not more comfortable
less uncomfortable
jillian called
then i remember what i live for and it is talking on the phone
probably with her
as i drove home on 8th street
she said she can't do anything without me this weekend
and it has never been at that point
i said that i know it is at that point
i talked to alex on the phone for a very long time then
i took out the vanilla lavender scented trash
and i started laundry
i put my clothes in both dryers
i have a lot to be tumbled
i discovered tao lin tonight, it felt like discovering something big
i read something last night i wrote about sleeping next to you
i need to sleep next to you
we probably won't talk for a month

i collect everything i want to say and show to you
and disperse it out
to everyone i've known

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