Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let's Try This Again

Last night was the first night in a very long time that I did not drink sleep syrup

you sent me pictures of your midriff which eventually resulted in my wanting to kill myself

I wondered if you'd be home for the holidays and wondered if you wondered what it would be like to see me

I wondered who would contact you if I was on my death bed or if I would have to ask a nurse to borrow a landline with a spiral chord

I would look on my cellphone for your number, reflect on our past texting conversations, and figure it best not to call

you sent me pictures of your art which eventually resulted in me thinking about myself

I summoned you like a spirit with the sheer power of my one-way telepathy and you replied "jump" and I said "how high?" and when you informed me that I could fly, I flew around the city, realized I was dreaming, upon crashing into your gaping ego

I thought the mature thing to do was to tell you about my life, and my art, then remembered we were bored with that
so sung your praises until we were asleep, again

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