Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day Dream

i had a rather haunting vision; you and i were in separate corners of a pitch black room, it wasn't very large, but all that we knew was that each other were in it. we took turns looking for each other, weakly. you began to feel around, tip toeing with arms half extended, looking for me. your right hand, out stretched, touches me, carefully. my left hand brushes against you, hesitantly, cautiously. we do not know, in this vision, if the other is also covered in bruises, don't know where or what we are even touching. chances are, we'll poke on a wound site, odds are, it feels so good and bad to be found, touched. speaking is not an option, because the feeling is the discourse, and raw is raw. if a light were turned on, we would be able to know where to touch, what to do, how to help, but there is no hope for that.  (and how different and repugnant the stark truth.) when it becomes too much, too scary, we go reeling back. but, we are all that each other have in this dark room, life, your fingers hurt but heal me. i try not to appear so blatantly desperate, but my hands move about nonetheless, looking for the sore spots to feel myself, cure if i could. i am sorry i touch so hard, i am sorry that this got so hard. and if the lights be turned on, by a higher power than this lost sensation, may i know understanding, and this be something more than a mirroring projection.
"I'm just as damn disappointed as you,
only I just do better to hide it.
One thing that keeps me from falling for you,

is I'm truly alone and I like it."

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