Friday, November 18, 2011


tone (tn)
1. Music
a. A sound of distinct pitch, quality, and duration; a note.
b. The interval of a major second in the diatonic scale; a whole step.
c. A recitational melody in a Gregorian chant.
a. The quality or character of sound.
b. The characteristic quality or timbre of a particular instrument or voice.
a. The pitch of a word used to determine its meaning or to distinguish differences in meaning.
b. The particular or relative pitch of a word, phrase, or sentence.
4. Manner of expression in speech or writing.
5. A general quality, effect, or atmosphere.
a. A color or shade of color.
b. Quality of color.
7. The general effect in painting of light, color, and shade.

v. tonedton·ingtones
1. To give a particular tone or inflection to.
2. To soften or change the color of (a painting or photographic negative, for example).
3. To sound monotonously; intone.
4. To make firmer or stronger. 
1. To assume a particular color quality.
2. To harmonize in color.
Phrasal Verb:
tone down
To make less vivid, harsh, or violent; moderate.


noun \ˈtōn\

Definition of TONE

: vocal or musical sound of a specific quality  lowtones> tones> especially : musical sound with respect to timbre and manner of expression
a : a sound of definite pitch and vibration
: accent or inflection expressive of a mood or emotion
: the pitch of a word often used to express differences of meaning

: style or manner of expression in speaking or writingtone>
(1) : color quality or value (2) : a tint or shade of colorb : the color that appreciably modifies a hue or white or black tone>
: the effect in painting of light and shade together with color

  1. A sound of distinct pitch and quality: timbretonalitytone colorSee sounds/pleasant sounds/unpleasant sounds/neutral sounds or silence.
  2. A particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feeling: accentinflectionintonationIdioms: tone of voice. See sounds/pleasant sounds/unpleasant sounds/neutral sounds or silence.
  3. A distinctive way of expressing oneself: fashionmannermodestyleveinSee style/good style/bad style.
  4. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic: airambianceatmosphereaurafeelfeelingmoodsmellSee be.
  5. A prevailing quality, as of thought, behavior, or attitude: climatemoodspirittemperSee attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude.
  6. The property by which the sense of vision can distinguish between objects, as a red apple and a green apple, that are very similar or identical in form and size: colorhueshadetintSee colors/colorless.
  7. A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation: casthuetingetintSee colors/colorless.
phrasal verb - tone down

  1. To make less emphatic or obvious: de-emphasize, play down. Informal soft-pedalSee show/hide.
  2. To make or become less severe or extreme: moderatemutequalifysoftensubduetametemperSee increase/decrease.

Main Entry:accent
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:stress or pitch in pronunciation
Synonyms:accentuation, articulationbeatcadence,emphasis, enunciation, force, inflection,intonation, meter, modulation, pronunciation,rhythmstroketimbre, tonality, tone
Main Entry:air
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:distinctive quality or character; style
Synonyms:addressaffectationambienceappearance,atmosphereaurabearingcomportment,demeanordeportment, effect, feel, feeling,flavorimpressionlookmanner, mannerism,mienmood, posepresencepropertyquality,semblancetone

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