Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yesterday I woke up, and after cleaning up, was greeted by my brother who had just gotten back from town and the doctor's. He said that he went to the deli to get a turkey sandwich and named all of its toppings, I think he was proud of venturing out a bit. I am always happy when people try new things and end up actually liking them. He told me that he brought half of it home with him, and asked if I wanted a sandwich, and smoothie that he was about to make. We laughed at his offer, then I agreed to both. He made us a super delicious smoothie, and I ate his also good sandwich. I had to go to u-haul like I do every day, so I bought Austin some things, got Dylan some chocolate with salt and almonds, went by Flour Garden to see Austin and give him his cd's I had burned, then ended up at u-haul. My dad was sitting outside, and I didn't feel bad that I kept him waiting five minutes for the first time, especially when he sat on the phone as I idled in my car. Once he finally got in the car, he talked on his phone loudly, then texted silently the entire way home. He handed me ten dollars. When we got back to the house, I heard from Catherine, then Jillian, and I was really wanting to see them both, but I wanted to work at the house, so I did that first. Dylan and I were in the garden for what was less than two hours, but felt like more, he was still in a good mood and talked about funny videos, and my dad, and people, and I asked questions about all of these things. We walked together back down to the house, and then I made a giant salad and Dylan and I ate together again, and I shared my beans and he shared his chips. Finally I left for Nevada City, with plans to see Catherine and hopes to see Jillian. When I drove up I saw Jillian's car, then got a text from her saying Cooper's. I walk in to find Catherine and Jillian both at the bar, and it actually was a really nice time. The three of us always have a funny dynamic, but a good one, and soon enough Paul was joining us, which I was pleased about also. I wanted to watch the open mic, and spend time with the girls, but I also got a text about an employee show that I really wanted to go to (an early 10:15 one), and Scott and Alex were coming to town and wanted to go adventuring with me. I had no idea what I was going to do, but ended up at a table in front of the stage with Paul and we talked a lot, and I was probably too honest, like I get, but he is really nice and a really good energy for me always. Once Paul left, after a very long hug, and very long eye contact which resulted in saying each other's names, I was with Catherine and Jillian again and an array of ridiculous guys. Jillian left for Mekka to meet with Nick for a bit, and Catherine and I laughed for probably an hour straight after that, and I did not know what my next plan was still. I decided I would meet Scott for a bit then go to the movie, and I always leave Catherine, so I felt bad, so we went together to Mekka to get Jillian's keys. In the parking lot we met up with Alex and Scott, and I appreciated a lot things not being strange between Scott and Catherine, so we all hung out because Catherine couldn't yet drive. We went to Mekka for a while, Scott said he his white mocha we all suggested was just okay, and I felt badly for that, then he said that he interrupted Jillian crying and that he felt badly for that. We ended up at Pete's then, and Alex and I talked for a while. Eventually I told everyone I was leaving, and when I found Jillian in that last moment she had sort of fallen apart, and I told her that Catherine was on her way, and I got in my car and drove to Sierra. I mostly went to get my paycheck, and show my face at the theaters, but also I don't know if I like adventuring, and I wanted to see Looper maybe. Sierra is dark once I am approaching it, and there is one single car. I remember the movie is at Del, and am pissed, at everything, and faced with a decision. Since it was 10:15 in that moment, Deloro's are scary shows, that take forever to get to (in my head), I turned around in the parking lot (paycheck-less) and went back to find Jillian, Catherine, Alex, and Scott. I called Scott on the way, and he laughed at me, but I agreed to go Geo Caching. I get to Mekka to find Jillian, and she is with Catherine, Scott, and Cory, I didn't really understand but I sat down, and listened intently to everything she was saying, more so than anyone else probably. She explained to Scott that some people and some conversations are an un-penetrable bubble (when he apologized for interrupting) which I understood, and even elaborated on. She also explained to Scott that she is the exact same person whether she is crying, or laughing, or anything, which I understood just as much. The girls go back to Cooper's, and I try to find a treasure with Alex and Scott. I didn't like treasure hunting, said it was boring, got called a bad pirate, and ended up back at Cooper's. I felt a lot better once Jillian and I talked and connected a bit more, then left Cooper's for the last time, once the comedy act started, and found Scott and Alex. We drove around to all the treasure spots, starting with Pioneer Park in a forest, and then venturing to Grass Valley, going from one place I had never been to the next. I was really cold, and stupidly exhausted, but it was fun with who I was doing it with, and we must have driven for hours. On one street we found two cats, and played with them for a long time, the gray one I feel in love with followed us for a long while, even after driving to a new spot. Alex found the first (and only) treasure that we found, and nothing was even hid, though it was rewarding somehow. Geo Caching was a lot harder than we thought, and I have never spent so much time scouring flower beds, trees, and foliage, but I'm glad I went. Lizz was texting me a bit, and I was happy that her and Austin we together. I liked that I didn't feel not-included, and she sent me a picture of them that I liked a lot. When I got back to Cavanaugh, sometime around 2:30ish, I realized that I had had a good day. Austin's words of encouragement had not worn off from the night before, and I spent my time being really happy with the people that I care about. Every time seeing Jillian is enormously important to me, and it was nice to be in a good mindset, even for a day or two consecutively. I felt as though my real friends were my real friends, and it made me not so sad about the others. Friendship is actually everything to me, and all that makes me feel, and it was positive to believe that my friends wanted to see me and talk to me. My brother is my friend as well, and one of my favorites, I enjoyed and was appreciative of our time.

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